Lik Ho

Commercial Videographer and Web designer

Small Introduction Videographer

Producer, Videographer, Editor Provided online based entertainment coverage through the photography and videography, of internet Video advertising

  • Conducted extensive research to compile biographical content and current information in preparation for interviews
  • Recorded, edited, and posted interviews and videos for public
  • Implemented creative control in the overall interviewing style and process Managing all exclusive video content for site and Facebook page.
  • provided film idea, storyboard, script
  • filmed TV show (travel shows) & online video (promotion)
  • maintained Social Media (Facebook, Instagram)

Small Introduction Web designer

  • provided web design & developing (frontend and backend)
  • maintained the existing site / application , hosting and server
  • troubleshooting
  • guided mainland china finish the web developing
  • provided online advertising promotion and search engine optimization (SEO)